What is Bug Busting?
Established 1988
Gold Standard
Wet Combing

Bug Busting is a head louse detection and eradication method that is by far the best way to deal with the problem. Instead of relying on products containing neuro-toxic pesticides or other expensive ingredients, Bug Busting works by combining our specially designed combs with your usual shampoo and conditioner. Find out more
No treatment for head lice is certain to kill louse eggs. Since it became available, the UK Department of Health has advised use of a Bug Buster Kit alone as a treatment alternative to lotions, and that these should be combined with wet combing checks after use. This will tell you if the product did not work, before the lice spread or lay new eggs.
A Bug Buster Kit alone proved four times more effective than neuro-toxic insecticide treatment for head lice in a randomised controlled trial, when parents followed the respective product instructions.
The primary findings were reported in the BMJ, Online First on 5 August 2005. Most families re-used their original Bug Buster Kit for detection and cure during a whole year (report to the International Congress on Lice, Argentina, October 2006). This independent study, led by Dr Nigel Hill of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, was funded by a Big Lottery Fund research grant. Find out more
- National Bug Busting Days: 31 January, 15 June, 31 October
- Frequently Asked Questions about Bug Busting
Registered Charity
Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Registered Charity 1988 - 2024
England & Wales No: 1153824
Scotland No: SC047079
Contact Us
Registered Address:
Ward Goodman
4 Cedar Park
Cobham Road
Wimborne BH21 7SF
email:- info@chc.org