How to treat head lice and nits successfully
Gold Standard
Wet Combing
The NHS advice is that wet combing should be tried first to treat head lice and nits.
“Wet combing: The Bug Buster® kit is the only head lice removal (and detection) method that has been evaluated in randomized controlled trials”
November 2021 NICE CKS, linked to NHS website
We are the charity who invented wet combing and developed the Bug Buster Kit to meet deep health and education needs. Historically, Community Hygiene Concern are the only not-for-profit player on the UK market for head lice and nit treatments.
In your Bug Buster Kit, you have purpose-designed combs for detection and removal of lice (bright yellow) followed by nit removal (purple). They are precision-made in durable plastic, gentle, but with uniquely bevel-edge teeth. This ensures they slide effectively under lice and nits, comfortably lifting them out of the hair. With the clear step-by-step instructions to guide you, high-performance Bug and Nit Busting wet combing are easily achieved.

Head lice next to a pin and matchstick to show scale

The Bug Buster Comb in action

Rinsing the comb of lice

The Nit Buster Comb removes unsightly egg shells (‘nits’)
A single Bug Buster Kit lasts a whole family for years
“The first set of combs lasted me 5 years. They are really effective at getting head lice and nits out of the hair and provided you use the big comb first to get rid of knots and tangles, they don’t break…You will find your child is lice free very quickly. Possibly a good idea to buy their best friend’s mum a set too – that way you don’t keep getting them back…!! ..a great big thumbs up from me – so much better than the metal nit combs, which I find useless”
Amazon customer review December 2013
Goodbye head lice and nits
Buy your kit today and bust those bugs away
“Fantastic method without chemicals which really works”
Amazon customer review February 2018
If you want to go for chemical treatment, be sure to check for baby lice hatching in the days after application with your Bug Buster Kit
View demonstration videos on out Home page, For Parents page and Buy Bug Buster Kit Online
Registered Charity
Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Registered Charity 1988 - 2024
England & Wales No: 1153824
Scotland No: SC047079
Contact Us
Registered Address:
Ward Goodman
4 Cedar Park
Cobham Road
Wimborne BH21 7SF