Head lice in Covid-secure School Groups
Post lockdown re-opening of schools and nurseries
Head to head contact that enables lice to spread will be reduced by the grouping of children and avoiding contact between groups. The transmission of head lice will be limited to the children within the group, their families and carers.
The simplest way to manage a suspected outbreak of head lice is to set a definite detection day when all families involved in the group are asked to check at home in unison. It may be most convenient to set the date for the next Saturday after discovery of a case within the group. If some families prefer to check sooner, they should check again on the detection day itself because they may catch lice in the interim.
How to check for head lice efficiently
In International recommendations for an effective control of head louse infestations, leading specialists state: “Wet combing has been proven to be a more effective diagnostic procedure than inspection or dry combing“. This is a reference to a study made using the Bug Buster comb.
Remember most cases consist of 10 or less lice and often there is no tell-tale itching.
Schools and nurseries requiring a free sample of a Bug Buster comb with step by step instructions should contact our Help Line on 01908 561928 or email us at bugbusters2k@yahoo.co.uk
Notes: The Bug Buster Kit and Bug Buster detection comb are not-for-profit health and educational resources.
“The Bug Buster® kit is the only head lice removal (and detection) method that has been evaluated in randomized controlled trials, and it is available on the NHS.” NHS NICE Clinical Knowledge Summary, Head Lice, December 2016.
The Bug Buster Kit is a registered medical device approved for NHS prescription since 2002 (Drug Tariff, Part IXA, Appliances, HEAD LICE DEVICE). Surgeries have online triage/diagnosis systems for patients requiring prescriptions. Pharmacies can get supplies from Special Obtains at AAH, Alcura, Phoenix Healthcare and Sangers, Pip-code 233-1783
‘Bug Busting’ is the GOLD STANDARD ‘wet combing’ recommended on the NHS website
28 August 2020
- International recommendations for an effective control of head louse infestations – https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ijd.15096
- Study – https://www.chc.org/head-lice-independent-study-wet-combing-with-a-bug-buster-comb-better-than-dry-combing-for-detection/
- NHS website – https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/head-lice-and-nits/
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